Miles Catlett

Miles Catlett

Chief Learning Office & Senior Developer

Solutions Afoot, LLC


I approach everything with curiosity and creativity.

I’m a software developer with a thirst for knowledge. When I need or want to be able to do something new, I go to the web or take classes so I can learn. That’s how I learned React.JS, Next.JS, Python, painting with acrylic, playing the guitar, and lots of other things! I don’t see problems, I see the next challenging adventure. I’m the guy who takes angry, disgruntled clients and their projects – projects that another company typically has screwed up, and turns things around. My clients are almost always happy with the timeline, the quality of the development, the responsiveness of my team, and the quality of our interactions with each other.

Python, JavaScript, Caspio, HTML, CSS, Flask, Django, React.js, Next.js, Prisma